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Family Services Head Start offers a full preschool curriculum with qualified staff, meals, health screenings, and family support to 110 children age 3 to 5 at centers in Moses Lake and Ephrata.


We evaluate the progress of each child three times a year. Access to books, art supplies, blocks, creative play, computers, and healthy food enrich the children's lives.


At every opportunity, we involve the family in their child's education. We are able to be effective in making permanent and lasting improvements for families by giving parents the educational materials and instruction to assist their children in their own home.


Head Start is nationally recognized as a tool that is changing the landscape for low income families. As part of their involvement, parents develop work and leadership skills. Parents are assisted in pursuing their own personal and professional goals as well as helping their children succeed in education.


Often, Head Start parents have continued to develop their skills and education, and have become professional staff in the program. Our Head Start families are in a position to break the cycle of poverty and move away from public assistance.

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