Educational Services for Income Eligible Children & Families
In Kind or Non Federal Share
Head Start is a FREE preschool funded by the Federal Government. Family Services of Grant County submits applications for refunding every year.
For every dollar the Federal Government gives to Head Start, they expect the community to contribute 25 cents worth of IN-KIND donations to help cover the costs. This means that between November of one year to October of the next year, 25% of the budget must be generated in donations of either cash, goods or services. In 2022-2023, the In-kind amount FSGC should raise is $1,175,883. One example of in kind is through our partnership with Cloudview Farms, depicted in the photograph above. In the photo, Julie from Cloudview is demonstrating how literacy and nutrition activites can be combined and provided to children in an outdoor setting. The story is about a child who learns to love spinach after she grows it herself.
Other examples of goods and services offered by parents and community people that we can count as IN-KIND are listed below:
Attending committee meetings
Volunteering in classroom
Going on field trips
Participate on committees
Work in the office
Donate toys, books, play-clothes, plants or other goods used in classrooms
Consultations or care by doctors, therapists, speech or other required/needed professionals
Donate rent for building use
Meeting the Non-Federal Share requirement is very important. If a Head Start program does not meet the requirement, a request for an in kind waiver must be made. If the federal government does not grant the waiver, the money will have to be paid to the Government or the program will lose the contract and the privilege of having the Head Start program. However, most parents and people of the community willingly and happily give of their time and possessions because they love and respect the Head Start program, and every item and minute of time donated benefits the Head Start children and families.
To volunteer time or goods to the Head Start program, contact Ivette Rodriguez, HR Coordinator @ 509-766-9877 Ex. 103 or email